Ho ho ho! We hope you have all had some benefit from the festive season. For everyone, 2020 has been a year of change. For some it has been dramatic and upsetting and for others it has brought disappointments and perhaps opportunities. We have a couple of updates to share as we take some time out from work to recharge our batteries and spend some time at home. Some more time at home that is. First piece of news is really positive. Our Virgin Money Giving total currently stands at a huge £1,420! That's 30% of our overall target and we are so very grateful for every pledge of help. We have a couple of hundred pounds pledged as well that we are just figuring how to get on to the page so we are well on our way. We've had a big jump in sponsorship thanks largely to our corporate partners. Edward has reached out to them to let them know about our challenge and we have had a hugely positive response. A big thank you to: Mike Roche at Savilles Forbes Solicitors PJ Services, Bolton Ven...