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Showing posts from October, 2022

Less than 6 months to go and we have new team members

Now that Edward and Anne have recovered from their adventure now and we are turning our attentions to the next trek. So that I'm not alone flying the flag for Bolton at Home, Owen Tomlin has been selected to join her on the trek and joining us will be our Bolton at Home colleague, Steve Roden, who has decided to join the trek off his own back as it's such an amazing challenge. Our flights are booked for March 25th 2023 and with just under 6 months to go, preparations are getting well and truly underway.  Firstly, we've updated our JustGiving page to reflect our new team and as always welcome any and all contributions. We will be updating on our fundraising activities over the coming months.  Secondly, there's a small matter of a very long trek up a very steep hill so I'm back in the gym in the morning and on the hunt for suitable walking boots.  Watch this space for more information on our new intrepid adventurers and show your support at: