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Showing posts from March, 2023

One week to go!

Final preparations are underway. We've had lots of flight changes over the last two days but thanks to the persistent people at Intrepid we are sorted again and great news, plane fans, we are on a Dreamliner for the first leg of the outbound flight, which has cheered Vicki up no end.  Steve and Vicki went to visit Reuben's Retreat last week. We can't express enough just how amazing they are and how impactful your donations are to their work. Thank you so very very much. We think we might hit £10,000 from all the Bolton at Home Trekkers' fundraising including Edward and Anne last year, which is just unbelievable! This week we are resting up a bit, eating well, staying hydrated and packing our bags ready for Saturday. We want to be as ready as we can be. Here's the itinerary as it stands at the moment: Saturday 25th - Sunday 26th March: travel to Kathmandu via Doha. Get our visas, trekking permits, phone SIMs and duffel bags and hopefully a bit of sleep. Monday 27th -

It's March - which means we go THIS MONTH!

Some updates on what we have been doing and what's to come: Fundraising First of all, a huge, huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far. Our fundraising total so far across all our BH trekkers past and present is £8748 which is not far away at all from our target. Across the whole team of trekkers we have raised nearly £90,000! Nic, Reuben's Mummy had some lovely words to share about what this means to them. You can read them here . Preparation Update from Vicki: With 4 weeks to go I have packed my bags. We have a very strict weight limit of 15kg for the trek and I wanted to see how much space I would have to take some familiar snacks with me so I had a day off on Monday and packed it all. I think the answer is I will have my coat packets filled with snacks and will look like Joey from friends when he wears all Chandler's clothes when I board the plane to Lukla. I've bought things I never thought I would - some water-fr